Targeted Procedural Marketing

Multi-Site Targeted Procedural Marketing for patient pay services

Targeted Procedural Marketing for patient pay services is very effective at maximizing your long term and short terms goals and profitability. The strategic vision around procedural marketing is bringing together the synergy of an organic content driven SEO plan and combining it with an effective direct marketing and social media campaign. This two pronged approached assures long term visibility in organic search results and immediate influx of calls for what should be your most profitable procedures.

We’re experts at building these targeted pages, offering patients exactly what they’re searching for — landing on the page they want without having to search through your website. This increases conversions and brings in new patients, working in tandem with the rest of your marketing campaign.

We Know Your Audience

Strategic Medical Web uses every SEO method available to drive potential patients to your site. We focus on local targeting to attract patients in your community, so you get the audience you need. However, optimizing your website with pinpointed pages or mini-sites targets an even more specific audience.

If you specialize in certain procedures or a medical field, we build pages focusing on those. When a potential patient takes to a search engine searching for a specialist, our goal is for them to find you first. This gives your practice an air of authority, of being the best in the business, and offers an up-front explanation of what the procedure entails. The information is instantaneous, along with your practice’s name and a call to action so they can contact you immediately.

Internet users want usable information and they want it now. Medical procedural marketing gives them that in one click. We optimize the entire design of your website to lead potential patients directly to what they need, when they need it, with a user-friendly way to get in touch with your office right away.

Meet Your Business Goals

Adding keyword-optimized, targeted landing pages to your practice’s website offers Internet searchers the precise content they’re hoping to find. Strategic Medical Web is ready to help you meet your marketing goals. Contact one of our representatives at 1-800-508-4489.